PEL Study

PEL Study (SH 67/Sedalia to ½-mile north of C-470)

The goal of the Douglas County PEL Study (SH 67/Sedalia to a ½-mile north of C-470), known formally as a Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) Study, was to update previous recommendations for transportation improvements to US 85 from approximately State Highway 67 (SH 67) in Sedalia to ½ mile north of C-470. The PEL Report helps the county and other agencies identify the long-term transportation needs beyond 2040 – though many of the identified improvements could be implemented much sooner. Download the full report (PDF)

Report cover image

Highlights in the Report

Recommendations (additional details can be found starting on page 3-10, and potential phasing is on page 6-1)

  • North of Highlands Ranch Parkway, the Enhanced Expressway, and the Bypass Alternatives are options to be considered when additional capacity is needed
  • Between Titan Road and Highlands Ranch Parkway, recommendations include one additional lane in each direction, interchange improvements at Titan Parkway, and extension of the multiuse path
  • South of Titan Road, recommendations include a consistent four-lane road, improvements to the at-grade alternative at Airport Road, and extension of the multiuse path

Several issues that were raised by the project stakeholders and the general public are also addressed in the report.