PEL Study (SH 67/Sedalia to ½-mile north of C-470)
The goal of the Douglas County PEL Study (SH 67/Sedalia to a ½-mile north of C-470), known formally as a Planning and Environmental Linkage (PEL) Study, was to update previous recommendations for transportation improvements to US 85 from approximately State Highway 67 (SH 67) in Sedalia to ½ mile north of C-470. The PEL Report helps the county and other agencies identify the long-term transportation needs beyond 2040 – though many of the identified improvements could be implemented much sooner. Download the full report (PDF)
Highlights in the Report
Recommendations (additional details can be found starting on page 3-10, and potential phasing is on page 6-1)
- North of Highlands Ranch Parkway, the Enhanced Expressway, and the Bypass Alternatives are options to be considered when additional capacity is needed
- Between Titan Road and Highlands Ranch Parkway, recommendations include one additional lane in each direction, interchange improvements at Titan Parkway, and extension of the multiuse path
- South of Titan Road, recommendations include a consistent four-lane road, improvements to the at-grade alternative at Airport Road, and extension of the multiuse path
Several issues that were raised by the project stakeholders and the general public are also addressed in the report.
- Impacts to environmental resources like noise and recreational resources are in Section 4 (download this section only)
- Issues discussed by the Corridor Stakeholder Group and other community groups are reviewed in Section 5.2 (download this section only)
- Issues raised by the public at open house meetings or through the website are summarized in Section 5.3 (download this section only)